
Improving Efficiency and Security

From tracking and transferring money or inventory to post-financial settlements and smart insurance contracts, the potential for blockchain to transform business spans industries and applications.

With our cumulative 80 years of experience gained by the management of Shris, from different industry prototypes and our technology-agnostic approach, we can help clients accelerate time to market to capture the value of blockchain.

Custom Cryptocurrency Development

Shris offers advanced cryptocurrency development services that meet your requirements. In addition, with experienced developers, we can assist you in developing services related to cryptocurrency such as cryptocurrency exchange, cryptocurrency wallet, cryptocurrency payment gateway.

Drastically Cut Transactional Cost

With distributed ledger technology, it becomes possible to avoid costly intermediary services, such as lawyers, brokers and bankers, to ensure legitimacy and security of transactions. By eliminating third-party intervention, we can significantly bring down transaction costs and optimise efficiency.

Custom Blockchain Development

You can use Shris proficiency in blockchain development to validate your product idea, create prototype, and design a blockchain as per your requirements.

Secure Your Financial Operations

Administrative control is crucial to most businesses. But the maintenance and regulation of such control requires a lot of effort and resources. This can be optimised with Smart Contracts. Blockchain provides transparency between all parties without sacrificing data security even in a semi-trusted environment.

Smart Contracts Development and Audit

A smart contract is a piece of source code running on top of a blockchain development having a set of rules under which the parties to that smart contract agree to interact with each other. In the event that and when the pre-characterized rules are met, the agreement is naturally upheld. The smart contract code encourages, checks, and implements the arrangement or execution of an assention or exchange.

Reinforce Your Asset Management

Blockchain technology enables tracking any product metadata such as price, location, date, quality etc. over the complete product lifecycle. This will allow your business to address some of the important supply chain issues such as lack of transparency, reliability, traceability and security.

High Throughput Technology Stack

Our expertise and experience in high throughput distributed platform uses a wide range technologies and systems.

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Private Blockchain Development

Private blockchains are mainly by used banks and organizations for fostering smooth operations. A private blockchain asks for the permission from its’ center point that runs the network whenever a participant tries to participate. Private blockchains form a permissioned framework that imposes restrictions upon the users to participate in them. Every new participant, therefore, needs permission of the main party to enter the network.

  • Audits through Cryptography.
  • Glorified Databases.
  • Manage the Environment.

Creating Hyperledger

Blockchain technology is the outcome of advanced technology. The blockchain importantly let the businesses to connect to all department and levels of the company. Due to all these reasons, it seems like a natural development in business systems whose purpose is collaborative working.

Creating Hyperledger provide various advantages as follows:

  • Evenly distributed ledger
  • Need-to-know basis data
  • Performance and Scalability
  • Protection of digital keys
  • Security of sensitive information

The Shris Edge

Partner in Progress

We work as your OWN extended IT team. Our partnership will let you focus on your core business activities while our IT services help you progress to reach your business goals.

Experience to Rely on

We have a long track record of delivering quality services to our esteemed clientele for more than a decade.

Affordable High-Quality Service

We guarantee high quality and timely services at affordable price. Our structured approach to deliver our services is highly productive and cost-effective

Crisp Process & Plan

Our proven software development methodologies help to deliver quality product and service in a well structured and agile manner with strict adherence to timelines and cost.

We Know Technology

Our pool of highly qualified technologists will constantly work with you to design, develop and deploy quality business solutions to meet your needs and demands.

Support to Rely On

Our committed to provide you with a support model that will ensure the solutions we deliver are supported and maintained 365/24/7 throughout the life of your applications.

Our Location

Address: #301, NSIC Building, ECIL Secunderabad, Telangana – 500092, India. Phone: +91 789 399 1161, Email:


Our experts are available to answer your queries

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